Australian Volunteers International

Michael Nunan

June 14, 2023

The end of an assignment is often just the beginning

Volunteers achieving locally-led, sustainable change. 

Every donation, no matter how large or small, will help build stronger communities for generations to come and drive outcomes like improved healthcare in the Pacific, improved water sanitation and disaster-ready communities.

The end of a volunteer assignment is often just the beginning

Take Michael Nunan who commenced volunteering with AVI at the age of 24, he jumped into the role of Chief Pharmacist in the Solomon Islands.

Michael stayed on in the Solomon Islands for over five years, long after the end of his initial assignment, working with the government of the Solomon Islands to improve the supply of essential drugs and medical equipment to 310 health facilities across the country.

He then went on to found Beyond Essential Systems, an organisation that works to strengthen medical supply chains across the Pacific Islands. As a result of his and many other people’s work, more Pacific Islanders living in remote locations can now access the medications they need, when they need them.

It is stories like this that reinforce the power of people to create positive, truly sustainable change.    

Not everyone can volunteer but everyone can donate.

June 14, 2023

We want to continue supporting communities and ensure future generations can build upon AVI’s rich volunteering history, but we need your help to do this. 

All donations made on or before 30 June 2023 can be included as a deduction in your 2022/23 tax return.  

