Australian Volunteers International

MareCet team in Malaysia

September 12, 2024

AVI funds grants to four partner organisations

“Thank You, Tenk Yu, Terima kasih and Vinaka”
from our Partner Organisations!

AVI is delighted to announce that thanks to the incredible generosity of our supporters, we have recently issued four small grants to trusted partner organisations in Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Indonesia, and Malaysia.

Our End of Financial Year Fundraising campaign, run throughout May and June, called on supporters to dig deep so we could fund the implementation of locally-led projects being run by Javlec Indonesia, Cufa Papua New Guinea, MareCet Malaysia and Partners in Community Development Fiji.

On behalf of the partners we have been able to support and everyone at AVI, “Thank You, Tenk Yu, Terima kasih and Vinaka” for your generosity.

We look forward to bringing you updates on the below projects as they are brought to life by these incredible teams!

MareCet team in Malaysia

PCDF team in Fiji

Cufa team in Papua New Guinea

Javlec Team in Indonesia

Our partners. Their projects.

September 12, 2024

Reforestation in Indonesia – Javlec:

Due to population growth, the village of Argomulyo, one hour outside Yogyakarta, is slowly losing its trees. With funds from AVI, Javlec and local villagers will create a Pilot Forest using dozens of hectares of unproductive land in the former eruption area of Mount Merapi. In addition to planting endemic plants as a water catchment area, the forest will also become home to fruit trees with a high economic value. These trees will be managed and maintained by low-income farmers with limited land, providing an additional source of household income.

Children’s Financial Literacy in Papua New Guinea – Cufa:

Financial empowerment for young people is a major development challenge in Papua New Guinea (PNG). A grant from AVI will enable Cufa to support their Children’s Financial Literacy program, actively addressing this challenge in several primary schools within the National Capital District in partnership with the PNG National Department of Education. Cufa will use these funds to expand its footprint in 2024 by engaging community volunteers to reach more children and schools

Marine conservation in Malaysia –  MareCet:

Kuala Selangor in northwestern Selangor, Malaysia, boasts a lengthy coastline comprising mangrove forests, mudflats, and thriving estuaries which are home to a rich variety of marine and coastal wildlife. It is also a popular destination for ecotourism. Many activities, however, have had a negative impact on the environment, including a build-up of waste and river pollution. The grant from AVI will enable grassroots organisation MareCet to implement a series of outreach programs through schools and local community associations, raising awareness about the importance of marine conservation, encouraging future environmental stewards and ensuring nature-based tourism activities can continue to exist as a source of sustainable income.

Institutional strengthening in Fiji  – PCDF:

Partners in Community Development Fiji (PCDF) is one of Fiji’s longest established NGOs supporting community development projects. PCDF works to improve the lives of people in isolated communities, grounded on community-centered approaches that build on existing community knowledge, skills and capacities, helping communities achieve their visions of equitable, holistic and sustainable livelihoods. With support from AVI, PCDF can increase its efficiencies as an organisation and strengthen capacity, quality leadership and good governance through the development of critical organisational policies and documents.

