Solomon Islands Medical Education Online Learning Modules
The Solomon Islands Medical Education Online Learning Modules are self-directed learning material designed specifically for Solomon Islands Bridging Program and Intern Training Program participants undertaking their prevocational training at the National Referral Hospital.
The Solomon Islands Medical Education Online Learning Modules are self-directed learning material designed specifically for Solomon Islands Bridging Program and Intern Training Program participants undertaking their prevocational training at the National Referral Hospital. There are clusters of modules covering topics in Paediatrics, Surgery, Internal Medicine and Obstetrics & Gynaecology. They have been designed to be accessed by smartphone and each contains a multiple-choice section at the end.
These course materials are exclusively available to current employees of the National Referral Hospital or Solomon Islands Ministry of Health and Medical Services.
How to access the learning modules
To apply for access, please email from your NRH or Ministry of Health email address (e.g.;
You will receive an email with a link and password from Reach 360 Notifications – please check your spam/junkmail folders if you do not receive it.
PDF copies of each module (and associated embedded videos) are also available upon request – just include your request in your email.
For any enquiries about the learning modules, or if you are having trouble gaining access to them, please email
Sample learning modules
Learning module topics
- Coronary heat disease and cardiovascular risk
- Congenitive cardiac failure
- Chronic liver disease
- Acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease
- Tuberculosis
- Malaria
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Hypertension
- Type 2 diabetes mellitus
- Antenatal care
- Bleeding in early pregnancy
- Multiple (twin) pregnancy
- Safe childbirth
- Breech delivery
- Hypertensive disease in pregnancy
- Pueperal sepsis
- Post-partum haemorrhage
- Diabetes in pregnancy
- Cervical cancer
- Gastroenteritis in children
- Malnutrition in children
- Pneumonia in children
- Meningitis in children
- The sick child: introduction to a structured approach
- The sick child: 2 months to 5 years
- The sick infant: < 2 months
- The sick child: diagnosis
- Care of the newborn
- Care of the premature and low-weight infant
- Fever in children
- Acute abdominal pain
- Sepsis
- Major trauma
- Shock
- Pre-operative assessment and management
- Fluid management
- Professional Practice
- The ABCDE approach for emergency examination