Australian Volunteers International


Statements & Policies

AVI has a number of strict Statements and Policies, developed in line with our values and Code of Conduct that guide, communicate and document our management plans for a range of issues.

AVI Code of Conduct

AVI’s Code of Conduct sets out expectations of our behaviour to each other and to all those with whom we work. It is an agreement between each of us and AVI and brings our values to life. It reminds us why values are important and helps us understand them in practice. This Code applies across the entire organisation and includes all those who work for AVI – our Board of Directors, our Leadership Team, employees, in-office volunteers, student program participants, contractors and sub-contractors.


AVI Statement on Transparency

AVI is committed to accurate and transparent communication with its stakeholders and will make available a range of readily accessible, accurate and up-to-date information in order to keep stakeholders informed of the organisation’s activities and performance.


AVI Prevention of Sexual Exploitation Abuse, and Harassment (PSEAH) Policy

AVI has a zero-tolerance approach to PSEAH, as outlined in this policy, applicable to all AVI workers, program participants and accompanying adult dependents. Fundamental to the operation of AVI is respect for the dignity and basic human rights of people within Australia and throughout the world. Every person who represents AVI is expected to reflect these values in their professional conduct, regardless of who they are dealing with, or where they are working.


AVI’s Child Safeguarding Policy

AVI’s updated Child Safeguarding Policy sets out our obligations, standards and procedures to protect and safeguard children. Our obligations, which include rigorous background checking for all volunteers and staff, are underpinned by our commitment to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Our zero tolerance of child abuse and exploitation helps ensure that our Board of Directors, staff, contractors and volunteers are safe for children. The AVI Child Safeguarding Policy is reviewed and updated every two years.


AVI Gender Equality Policy

AVI’s Gender Equality Policy outlines our gender equality intent and commitments and sets the standard and guides implementation of gender equality and equity priorities systemically across both our organisation and our programs. It underlies the guiding principles of the Gender Action Plan which sets out AVIs program of work to achieve gender equality.


AVI Whistle-blower Protection Policy

AVI’s Whistle-blower Protection Policy exists to ensure AVI conducts all business with honesty, fairness and integrity, providing a mechanism for the detection, reporting and management of reportable conduct. To make a Whistleblowing Complaint please contact Stopline.


AVI Disability Inclusion Policy

This policy outlines AVI’s organisational commitment to the inclusion of people with disabilities and upholding their rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with domestic and international laws including the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The Policy seeks to ensure that people with disabilities are given equal access and opportunity to engage with and benefit from AVI’s operations and its programs, and that AVI activities respond appropriately and effectively to the expressed needs of people with disabilities.


AVI Equal Opportunity and Diversity Statement

At AVI, we strive to create and maintain an inclusive workplace and culture, where diversity is recognised and respected. Our workplace values diversity in people and aims for equity of opportunity for all employees. This statement outlines AVI’s rights-based approach and belief that equal opportunity in the workplace plays a key part in protecting human rights.


AVI Environmental Sustainability Policy

AVI is a leading International Development agency that recognises it has a responsibility to the environmental sustainability of its operations. This policy outlines AVI’s commitment to reducing its environmental impact and continually improving its environmental and sustainability performance as an integral part of our business strategy and operations.


AVI Conflict of Interest Policy

This policy states AVI’s position on conflict of interest, including the requirement that conflicts of interest are avoided wherever possible, or identified and declared and actively managed. The Conflict of Interest Policy applies to all AVI workers (defined for the purposes of this policy as: workers, consultants, contractors, office volunteers, interns, the AVI Board, or anyone engaged to undertake work for the organisation). All of the aforementioned must comply with the provisions of this policy.


AVI’s Position on Residential Care for Children

Residential care of children, in all its forms, often acts as a vehicle for the removal of children’s rights, including their right to grow up in a family environment. AVI is committed to upholding a rights-based approach to children in need of care and protection throughout all aspects of its work. Our Position on Residential Care for Children outlines AVI’s position to proactively support organisations re-thinking traditional models of children’s care and support transitions towards family/community-based alternatives.


AVI Modern Slavery Act Statement

AVI is committed to the prevention of modern slavery within all of its operations in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act (2018). AVI will take action to ensure that new forms of modern slavery can be raised and evaluated in compliance with international standards with respect to emerging issues. This statement outlines that AVI will work to take steps to ensure that there are no modern slavery practices within our business, procurement and supply chains; and details the processes towards this.


AVI Non-Development Activity Policy

AVI is a secular organisation, and does not provide support for non-development activities, including evangelical activities, partisan political activities, or welfare. AVI is committed to ensuring that funds and other resources designated for the purpose of aid and development are used only for those purposes. The purpose of this policy is to outline AVI’s commitment to ensuring a clear separation between development and non-development objectives, activities and the funding of any such activities.


